
I decided that I needed to spend the day working on my paper for NARST. I analyzed data and got into the writing. Really, I spent all day on this, from 9am to 8pm with a break for dinner. Finally, I feel like I'm into the work and have hope that I'll be able to finish it by the end of the month. This evening Dan and I watched a strange movie called The Ripley Game.

I want the new iPad. I don't need it. But I want it. So many of my colleagues have them, and I don't know how they use them for work except to take notes and have instant access to the Internet. I wish somebody would convince me that an iPad helps with productivity so I can justify purchasing one with some of my slush fund money.


Mags said...

I'm going to get the new iPad! My justification is that the new model has a camera built in (on both sides) so it will be really convenient for video conferencing, etc. I do a lot of video conferencing though...

"Aza" said...

Won't Dad be jealous if you got the new one?