



Got to school early to give an exam, stayed for a meeting at which I was supposed to present but we ran out of time, then rushed off to help load supplies being collected for the Alabama tornado survivors. It was the most rewarding two hours I've spent in a very long time. I was so touched and humbled and amazed at the generosity of people coming by with hundreds of dollars worth of things to donate. One man came with entire SUV full of brand new supplies. The main things people brought were diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, clothes, and food. We filled one POD with clothes (there I am inside that POD trying to organize things so we could get more room), one with paper products, and one with food. It's one small gesture of many around the country. Shipments going to Alabama from all over the country. Really truly amazing. And to think that just one county west of where my mom lives, devastation. I can't imagine if it were my home town in addition to my home state. My adopted home state.

After that I met up with some students heading up the student chapter of NSTA and treated one of them (the secretary) to dinner. OK, Aza is the secretary!

This day on 5-3

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