
I finished this scarf today. The baby merino wool is like spiderweb, it's so light and fine. The wool is from Uruguay. I don't even know where that is. Www.malabrigoyarn.com is their website. I want more of this stuff.

Migraine all day today. I canceled my day and stayed in bed. ML and AL gave my paper for me at the conference I was supposed to be at.

School starts for me Monday. It's gonna be a BUSY semester. I'm teaching three classes when I'm only supposed to have one. I got appointed to faculty senate, am going up for tenure, am the new program chair, writing a grant, external evaluator on two grants, and PI on two. Advising about 50 students also. Looking forward to Christmas already!

1 comment:

Aden Shaikh said...

Wow you are doing a really good thing this way you will never ever forget about you life .