
The garden is growing nicely. What a change from last year! See, I'm still keeping the poinsettia alive. 

I planted coleus and impatients in pots out in the side yard. While doing so a couple walked by and said, "Hey Chrissy" to me. I squinted my eyes to see who they were and it was an old high school friend of mine and his wife. They said they LIVE ACROSS THE STREET! Wild. Small town goodness. It's like I added a new friend AND cherished an old one at the same time.

The herbs are being herbaceous and growing like weeds.

Today I did yoga, drank a pot of green tea, ate a banana and lots of walnuts and salads and salmon, cooked a really cool dinner, knitted, put my clothes away, and started my memoir. I started it. Yay. No headache-- it was a good day.

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