I'm back home now, teaching my last class tonight before the final exam. Here is a picture taken yesterday of the crew. A few were missing... but I love that we are under an old live oak tree covered in Spanish moss.
Everyone is coming into town. Here is a panorama of Grandma's living room. See the middle lamp in front of the window? That is where she died in her hospital bed. We are gathered here in her honor and memory, and feel her with us.
The long driveway to Grandma's house. It used to be covered in shells. Now it is paved. My dad planted trees all along the left. Fruit trees. Mangos, I think.
We arrived in Lake Arthur. This building was once the Western Auto where my grandfather worked, back when the town was booming. Now it is drying up. There is one good restaurant and a beautiful lake side park. And a family reunion!!!!