
So here we are mid March in what I suspect will be months of homebound quarantine. Months. What will I do for months.... There are work projects I can engage in, but no teaching per se. There are doc students to work with on dissertation drafts... some research I can get going on, some curriculum I can write. I hope, like Isaac Newton, that I discover or invent something interesting and useful during this time of separation.

Headache, sore throat, cough. That's what I have. We shall see if it gets any worse. I opted not to go to my mom's house for dinner tonight because of this potential. From what I've read, this virus is ALL OVER and just not tested. There are only three documented cases in my county, but I seriously doubt that's all there actually are.

Time to really plan out the next three months. Mid-March to Mid-April, Mid-April to Mid-June, and Mid-June to Mid-July. Yikes. I'm really hoping that the heat and humidity of July helps things here. But then, the virus will ramp up in the southern hemisphere.

Lots of people will get sick. Getting sick, like the flu, is ok. But lots of people will die alone in a hospital bed surrounded by masked and gowned strangers. I do not wish that on my friends and family.

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