
This is a salad my mom made with tortilla chips, avocado, and an avocado dressing. We had a really good meatloaf wrapped in bacon, southern green beans and this awesome salad.


Tonight we went to Sundilla (a local concert) to see the group, Brother Sun. It was so awesome! I knitted and drank chamomile tea while we listened to awesome music. It was a night on the town and it felt good to feel good and be out in the community.


Today I made a school visit, knitted, worked on curriculum, took these photos, napped, finished a hat, and watched The Hobbit.


Dan is working on a curriculum modification for me. I love working with him- he has such great ideas.


Now I'm working on a special hat for Sta. 


Taking care of Mr. Kitty while Mom is out of town. He is a bugger.


My student Alex is at my old LYS in Lexington and is getting me a skein of blue Madeline Tosh sock yarn. :)


Knitting alpaca is so delicious.


I made this red scarf for Drunken Waffle and gave it to her. She wanted a red scarf that wasn't too bulky.


We got our photos back from the photo shoot today!

And Squirt finally got the quadcopter out of the tree across the street.


Working on a slipper for Aza.


Buddy and Fossie got very attached to cousin Aza.


Fossy was outside blowing bubbles this New Year's Day and I went to grab my macro lens to capture how amazing they looked. Spherical mirrors, they are. The last one looks like a Van Gogh painting!


We went to Mellow Mushroom for dinner with Squirt, Strawberry, Sta, Kel, and Aza.
Afterwards we went to Nana's house and I was pleased to see Kel pick up her knitting and work on it.
We went to get pedicures today also. Mine smudged after putting my shoes on. Poo.


Dan took the kids to Warm Springs today and I met up with them at Calloway Gardens for the light tour. It was nice, but a bit underwhelming.


This evening we had dinner and hung out at my mom's. My dad was there too. I wish I'd taken some good photos while he was visiting.

I worked on finishing up these mittens for Strawberry Jello. They are supposed to look like sushi. She loved them!


Sta and Kel came over tonight and I was knitting with Aza while Jes untangled some yarn. It was a cozy evening with my sister, niece, and daughters. It followed a hectic afternoon of formal photo taking at the Arboretum and the threatening rain. Aza and I went to the local yarn shop and it smelled horrible. We still bought yarn...


Mexican dinner after Sta and Kel arrived. Tortilla soup and cornbread. Guacamole as an appetizer. Mmmmmm.....


Christmas morning at home... and then at my mom's for gift opening.


Jes arrived! My mom came over for dinner (ham, scalloped potatoes, creamed spinach and sweet potato biscuits).

Dan lighted the first fire ever in our fireplace.


I copper stamped this and some others today and sewed this one to the bunny hat I made for Drunken Waffle's daughter. I like my logo!


I made quiches for dinner.


While Jes is skiing in Colorado
Aza is knitting with me. 
She made a mini sock. 


Aza is here! I taught Aza to knit!


Went shopping in Atlanta with Drunken Waffle. 


I lost my earring. I need to replace it! It's special!


On our last day in Denver, we decided to go see the movie, wild. We thought it was really good, but a bit contrived. You can see in the snow walking towards the theater, Jes with her new boyfriend, The Bulgarian Bohemian Bachelor. 


Today Jes graduated from the University of Colorado at Denver. We sat through a long ceremony, and then attended a departmental reception where she received the outstanding student award for her program. She has a Master of Arts in educational psychology.

Afterwards we went to lunch with J2 and BBB and L4. Jes and I showed the group we could each tie knots in our hair with both hands. 


This is JES in front of her new apartment building in downtown Denver on Capitol Hill. We arrived today. 


This is the final product-the bunny hat.