
We left this morning for Denver and drove 12 hours, spending the night in Springfield, Missouri.



We leave tomorrow for Denver.
Squirt came home to watch the cats and spend time with Rocky. I made dinner for them and my mom tonight.



The semester is almost over and my students returned their 3D printers this week. 
We leave for Colorado SOON!!!



We survived the kiln explosion of 2020!



I am studying Hebrew and can pronounce almost anything now.
See that line with the big letters? It's the "Shmaa."
I can read it! This is a page from my grandfather's Siddur.



It looks like my kiln had a melt down. The coils are slumped.



I opened the kiln and all the little people had exploded. All of them. I had to vacuum my kiln for an hour and then it did not work. I was so distraught. 



Dinner on Mom's patio with her friends.

A walk in the park

And lots of little people ready for the kiln.



I started making little people this week.




I had my students over in the back yard to work on engineering activities today. Rocky helped me!


Jes sent me a photo and I turned it into a "painting" of her beautiful belly carrying baby J.



Just look at these cute covid ornaments!



I made these little mementos for this crazy covid year... and sold them all in one day. 
Halloween 2020, full moon. No trick or treating this year.



This evening we were invited to Rocky's house for dinner (see below) and we worked on coming up with a stained glass design for the window in her living room.
We had a great time and it seems that she and our son are getting along really well.




This bowl came out the kiln today. I like it!
Made from speckled clay.

Today was memorable because we are thinking of buying this house to keep it from getting torn down and living next to a McMansion. But the house is a disaster inside....


Went to my mom's house for dinner and dessert was YUMM!



Today was an important day.
I went on a hike with my former student, whom I shall refer to as Rocky. We walked and talked, and it turns out, she really likes Squirt, whom she went on a hike with just last week. It was quite interesting to think that they might actually become a couple.
But, he lives in Oregon.




Want to see some of Dan's stained glass pieces?
I'm so proud of him for finding an artistic crafting hobby, learning it, and getting GOOD in one month!


Dan has been doing stained glass for the past month and he is quite good. We carved out a corner of the studio for him and I like sharing it. He is much NEATER!



Working on some fun ornaments for Christmas!




This is is not a tray of cinnamon buns. But, I worked on making these items for a long time. Today I wedged them up. Recycled clay! It's a great batch.


This day we had dinner with Squirt and Rocky and Nana and Gwennie and I brought Gwennie this butter/cheese dish that I made.
Squirt and Rocky went on a hike beforehand -- where they met for the first time.
(Rocky is a geologist, hence her nickname. ) It was a lovely evening! A life-changing day for sure.
Squirt leaves tomorrow for Oregon. He's been home for several weeks, what with the wedding and the gallbladder surgery...



Some more goodies from the kiln!