

My heart is breaking for the Toomer's Corner live oak trees. They were poisoned by a crazed criminal. I'm watching the university try to save them via live video feed.


Julie said...


Chrissy said...

Read this: http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2011/2/16/1997804/toomers-corner-oak-trees-poisoned

Julie said...

Thanks and what a shame!

Hopefully and prayerfully they will survive.


Julie said...

How are the trees? Any changes? Better?

Chrissy said...

I found out that the fans compacted the soil around the trees so much (every game, crowding around, rolling toilet paper on them) that the soil did not absorb much of the poison. When they went and removed the soil from around the trees, they found the poison was only an inch deep. So there is new hope! The fans loved the trees so much, they may have saved them by love!

Julie said...

That's great!