
OK, so for those of you following this saga, I slept last night. I'd taken the antibiotic and prednisone in the morning, but no cough syrup. Slept. Woke this morning around 9, still very tired but one of those "I just woke up" tireds.

Worked all day. Make my Powerpoint, printed off all the copies of my paper, read the other paper I'm giving for someone who is unable to attend the conference, and ate dinner and watched 147 Hours, that movie about the guy who had to cut his arm off to save his life in a slot canyon in Utah.

Then I called my daughter Jes who had spent the weekend in a slot canyon in Utah. She was in the car on the way back to Denver with Root. She said they were very near where the guy was trapped. Oh my God, I'm glad she had her cell phone on.

Leaving in the morning for a week at two conferences. I feel better. It will be fine. This day on 4-3-1984 I met my Dan. My life changed forever.

This day on 4-3


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