5-28-08 Passport Day

What evil monster took hold of my face and turned into that of an old woman? From 1995 to 2008, my passport photo modification looks like something from a horror film. It's embarrasing to post this transformation! Why am I doing this? It's just so shocking to see myself age like this from one passport to another. When I look in the mirror, and I hope that when my husband looks at me- there is a certain timeless beauty. This beauty is stolen by this horrid passport photo taken today and paid for. $14 for this cruel joke! Should I put on some makeup and pay $14 more to have it re-done? Should I find a white wall and set up a tripod to do it myself? Or is this just what I look like? Ug. Maybe I was cuter with short hair after all...

It's all vanity and I know it.

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