
It's April. I've been typing March for weeks now. Pretty soon it will be May.

We hung out at Sakura's house today. Dan played hot wheels with Buddy and Fossy while I knitted and cooked dinner. Yum! Food imitates Italian tiles here. I worked out with my sister too (learned how to do a plank), and went for a walk with Dan. It was a good day.


I didn't have to work at the elementary school today so Dan and I went to the Getty Museum after leaving Jes's place, on our way to Sakura's place. The art was amazing and the views stunning but the garden was peaceful like nothing else. Sublime. I got hungry and had a bit of a low blood sugar thing until we found "chicken in a cup" for a snack. So that was top notch too.


Today is today. I am here in LA and woke up with a migraine for the second day in a row. I spent the day at the elementary school getting all the materials ready and showing the teachers. I didn't get the warmest of receptions and then had some trouble articulating myself. A bit stressful.

Afterwards I came back to Jes's apartment and slept, I was so exhausted. For dinner we had sushi at a Japanese market. It was a strange world. Like I was plunked down in Japan.


We are on the way to California. After months of preparation and writing and planning I'm going to see what my curriculum looks like in five Kindergarten classrooms in Los Angeles. Also we get to see Jes! And Sakura! And Fossy and Buddy!


I dyed my roots! It worked! They were gray and almost black before!


My MIL helped me purchase plants for my front porch. Looks better now.


I'm in this magazine for my research.
See the cute snail? Just one of the activities in my new curriculum.


This town is changing and I don't think it's for the better.


And yet spring seeds sprout.


I know this is a horrible picture but it only serves to remind me of the day. It's a Monday. I worked all day then my class started at 5:45 and my grad student came to help. Then I had to dart over to the student center around 7:00 to see my doc student receive an award. It was bittersweet because her work is still being scrutinized.


My MIL and FIL are in town as is my Dad, and we all had dinner together tonight with friends. Here is the only photo of me and Dan with our 'rents. Pretty cool. Two of them are in their 80s and two are in their 70s. It was a happy evening. I was in a good mood for once.


Today I had to go photograph data that the university has held hostage while they comb through it looking for any evidence of cheating.


This is my attempt to check some of the data my student collected for her research. It's been so terrible.


This week has been horrible. The day after my student defended her dissatisfaction someone file a report accusing her of cheating. It's been just too terrible to write about. She didn't cheat. Someone is either trying to stab me in the back through her, or just being cruel to her.

Mom had us over for dinner.


My first doctoral student defended her dissertation today. I don't want to put a picture of her on my blog so here are some notes I took.
I cried when I hugged her to congratulate her afterwards.


3-D printing like crazy all weekend getting ready for the trip to California to teach kindergarten kids engineering.


I bought all the purple pens in the bookstore in order to properly edit my student's dissertation draft.


My newest project- socks made from very thin and fragile yarn. I think there's a saying for this.