
Aza and Squirt and I hung these curtains yesterday. It was a PAIN. The curtain hooks were missing in all the other packages AND I was sick of messing with those things you have to put in plaster before you put screws in... so I quit. Today I worked on my grant and had dinner at Mom's.
This evening Aza and Squirt are watching old home movies. They are laughing their tails off and so are we!


The dogs were still around today. They slept in the workshop last night. The tan one knows how to sit and shake.


Got home from Atlanta on Wednesday and worked worked worked. Today there was a big storm and a tree fell across the street onto the wires. See it? It was scarey. Aza came at dinner time. My mom came over and we had a chicken stew I made from a recipe I got off the Internet. It was not good. Two dogs wandered into our yard and we had a difficult time trying to figure out what to do with them.The dachshund was really hyper and barked a lot. The other one was really smart.


Centennial Park water fountain show. We were walking to dinner and saw this. A little girl tried to dance in it and got scooped up by her father. We had dinner at a Mexican place that was fantastic. I had fried avocado tacos. It was a great treat after a day of attending sessions.


Today I gave a paper and moderated a session. When it was all over it was a big relief. This is the sunset reflected in a skyscraper in Atlanta. I really love our view.


Today I attended an all day workshop called STEM Smart. It was mainly for teachers, so I was a but underwhelmed but got to make a magic wand. I got upset when one group was using nanoparticles to make solar panels and left. Tonight is the super moon. Closer and brighter than normal, it was really cool to see out the hotel window. We are staying at the amazing Omni downtown.


My friend ML came into town tonight to attend the second day of the conference tomorrow. We went for a walk in Centennial Park. In the distance you can see something about World of Coke. Today was a K12 workshop about engineering education and I helped do a session which went very well. Dinner at a Turkish restaurant with a belly dancer. I didn't like the belly dancer but Dan did.


Today after a busy day of packing and work, we left for HotLanta for my 5 days of conferencing. I haven't been in a city in a long while. It was a bit overwhelming but I guess I'll get used to it.


Frisbee doesn't feel well. I wish I knew what he was thinking and feeling. He went to the vet recently and checked out ok. He's just old. Today I worked on my grant application.


So I had to travel to a school about 45 minutes away this morning and I had an address but ended up seeing the school as I went by towards the address I had. So I tried to go down one street (dead end) and then another (dead end) to get back to the school. I was observing trainers teach teachers. Long day. Sleepy ride back home afterwards.


I had a couple of meetings today at the local coffee shop which has a used bookstore attached. I picked up some good finds. One book will  be a gift to my mother. Not the one on top. That one's for me!


I selected a textbook for my class this fall and I'm really excited about the teaching and the learning.

Worked on grant stuff all day.


Dinner at Mom's was unique and delicious, as usual. For dessert we had lemon basil gelato that she made. Oh, and nutmeg cookies. Homemade, of course.


Worked all morning coding data, then worked on my CAREER grant in the afternoon. Dan and I went for a walk this evening and saw these mushrooms in the grass near the art museum. Squirt is brewing beer again.


Gardenias are in bloom all around town. This one was picked from the bush in my back yard. We have a poor pitiful bush in front that seriously needs some loving care, but it is blooming too. I love the smell. Today I had a migraine all morning then went to school for a meeting, then came home and crashed for the rest of the day.


Last day of the workshop... all the teachers built working vehicles. The meeting ended at 2:30 and we drove home.


I helped out today at the workshop in B'ham. The teachers all really enjoyed the penguin curriculum. This evening we went to Pottery Barn and found the perfect curtains for our living room. Can't wait to get them hung!


Today we drove to B'ham for a workshop I'm monitoring. It's nice not to have to teach it, but just sit back and be helpful. I got a new iPhone case. It looks like a little black book. Here I am in our hotel room having fun with it.


Fozzie and the copter

My garden in bloom.

Today my sister and her family left. I was sad.
I had meetings at school all afternoon which helped... and then the house was quiet.


Buddy got sick after his party so I spent the day with Fozzie. We made art robots and played with all my science toys.


Today Sakura made me Paleo Muffins. Yum! Later in the afternoon we attended Buddy's birthday party and went over to Mom's for dinner. Chocolate raspberry cheesecake for dessert.


Like a crazy cat lady, I'm a crazy crochet lady. I made a hat and coat for my nephew Buddy's little lamb, Lambie.


Sakura and I went shopping downtown today. We got our nails done. She liked this bird painting in a store. I wish I could do oil painting.


Walked this morning with my new iPhone in my pocket. Love the photo quality. 

 Buddy and Fozzie love on Frisbee Whippet.


Squirt folds his laundry!

 Fozzie contemplates something...

 Dan and Buddy build a Lego tower.


My sister Sakura is here with Fossy and Buddy and Jebby!

Fossy and Buddy were playing with Uncle Dan's pull back cars.

The K-nex were also a hit... left over from Squirt's childhood.

I love having my family here.



We have these flowers... are they calla lilies? I don't know but they are beautiful. I cut one and brought it inside.
Daisies. We have daisies.

Today I worked like a writing fiend and finished all the edits to two curriculums. Also ran statistical tests on the pre-post tests with the teachers I trained and got significant gains from both the math and the science teachers.

I think I've worked more this week than any other this year.
Oh and I got two tickets for me and Dan to go to Colorado in July to see Jes and have a little vacation after my CAREER grant is due.

Oh, I submitted my NSF annual report today.

See? I'm a writing fiend.
Time to write the biggest grant proposal ever now....


I've been meaning to post this photo of what Jes was able to accomplish in the living room when she was home. She arranged my artwork splendidly!

Today I finished a manuscript like a writing fiend and uploaded it to the journal, Research in Science Education.
Then I updated my dossier.
I'm ready for P&T.