Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts


Still beautiful.

Today was the first day of class this semester. What a good semester it appears to be. Only one class and one intern. One afterschool program. One search committee. Not bad compared with last semester.


My students working on performance assessments. 


I got a new computer! This is my office at school. 


My students learning engineering design. 


 Class Tonight
We did the Mystery Tube activity.


 Class Tonight.
Took This Video Of My Students Working on the Little Circuit


Class tonight- roller coaster physics and the 5E Learning Cycle. I loved it.


Monday night class... we did Milk o Motion and a bunch of other demos and it was fun. I'm trying to do activities in class each week this semester and give my students lots of activity ideas along the way. We are following the book Science Matters, by Trefil and Hazen, and I'm trying to design activities that match each chapter each week.