
May the Fourth be with you today.
I got this earrings today-- you can't tell but they are balls of yarn.
I also made a couple items.


 This is a cake stand I made on my wheel at home just as big as I could. I don't know how much it will shrink.


And I still knit!!!!
Summer is almost here.. I can taste it!


 This is a plate I made and my new friend Kismet painted.

 A mug I made for a doc student graduating.
 A mug I made for a teacher named Daisy.
A mug I made for a 6th grade teacher who worked with me this semester.


Last day with my interns this semester. We had a final meeting. This is a mug I'm working on for a student who showed me a picture of what she wanted.


 Dan and I went to a luncheon for a group he's involved with. He's a board member and he won an award! Here are a few mugs I'm working on.


Today I taught a workshop for teachers using my Save the Baby Penguins curriculum.

 Also, I got a special gift from a graduating doc student!


Some more goodies from the kiln!


I designed this piece of jewelry and have hired a jeweler to make it for me.


I'm back home now, teaching my last class tonight before the final exam. Here is a picture taken yesterday of the crew. A few were missing... but I love that we are under an old live oak tree covered in Spanish moss.


My Uncle Eddie. I took a photo and ran it through Prisma. Someone needs to paint this!!!


A crawfish fixing to meet its maker.

My uncle Bill and adopted Godfather with his Godchildren.

My cousin enjoying crawfish and preparing to bring the newest family member into the world.


 Everyone is coming into town. Here is a panorama of Grandma's living room. See the middle lamp in front of the window? That is where she died in her hospital bed. We are gathered here in her honor and memory, and feel her with us.

The long driveway to Grandma's house. It used to be covered in shells. Now it is paved. My dad planted trees all along the left. Fruit trees. Mangos, I think.

Jambalaya dinner


We arrived in Lake Arthur. This building was once the Western Auto where my grandfather worked, back when the town was booming. Now it is drying up. There is one good restaurant and a beautiful lake side park. And a family reunion!!!!


The steins turned out really well!!!

At my afterschool program, we were working on a wind turbine. 

I did a drawing for a mug since I got to 500 followers in Instagram. These two won. A stranger and a student!


More mugs in the works.


I got some cool stuff from the kiln today. A dog bowl, a vase, and a box shaped like a guitar pick.
The vase was made from Lizella, which covers well in porcelain slip. Remember that, Chrissy!


A friend asked me to make two large planters for her mother so here I am throwing the largest things I've ever made. 14" across and 4" high. 

I also wanted to make some steins for the local brewery and am glazing two sizes differently.