
Squirt is working hard on an 8-step Rube Goldberg project that must include electricity. A motor spins that copper coil which a marble rolls down, falls into the funnel, down a tube, hits a button which releases a catapult throwing a metal ball into the bucket thing on the right. Then the ball falls onto a see-saw. I don't know what will happen next. He has made this out of junk he found around the house, stuff he bought from Lowes and Radio Shack, and has done all the work by himself. He has used the table saw and other power tools, and most importantly- his brain. He mostly works on this in the middle of the night, which is his usual study time. We heard hammering at 4am last night, power tools the night before. It's his first real engineering design project and I'm very proud of him. The fact that it was due on Monday doesn't seem to bother him as much as it bothers his parents. I just hope he gets it to school before the end of the week. A photo of the final contraption will follow!
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