
Today was really strange. I woke up at 6am or earlier perhaps, and couldn't go back to sleep. So I sat up in bed and turned on the light and worked on the unfinished quilt at my feet. And finished. Here is a picture of the two now-matching quilts on the twin beds. Jes and Aza, come on home!
Yesterday I hung paintings, so I have a picture of those too. But what was strange was that after I finished the quilt, I went over to the studio and started to paint. I painted three watercolors. I was half asleep while doing this, you see- so afterwards I went back to bed. Woke up around noon. Yikes!
I went over to see the paintings and one turned our really cool. It's a gift for a friend so I won't post a picture of it because I don't want to give away the secret. I put it in the mail for her after I woke up at noon!

After lunch I biked to my office and worked all afternoon. It's really a nice space for working. But it doesn't have food. I'll have to carry some over there for munchies.
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Julie said...

The quilts turned out very nice. My mil made a lot of quilts in her lifetime. We have many of her creations. My dd has taken interest in it -- learning from her future mil.

Have you made any quilts yourself?

Chrissy said...

I made one for Squirt when he was a little thing, and it was his bedspread for many years then got ratty from Frisbee sleeping on it. I made another from what my grandmother had started in the 1920s. It's a wall hanging, not too big, but special that I finished it for her after she died. I love to sew, both hand sewing and machine sewing.

Julie said...

Would it be possible to share pictures?

Chrissy said...

Sure. I'll have to find Squirt's quilt. It may be in the attic. Or I may have a photo I can scan. I've been looking for a place to hang the other one. Email me photos of what your J has made!