
Today I started to hang pictures. So- the house is getting that home feeling. After a day of household tasks Dan and I took Frisbee to a dog park, which he did not seem to care for particularly. There was another whippet there, but this other whippet was snippy and didn't want to play. I forgot to get a photo of the dog park- but afterwards we just HAD to go to the Culver's we passed on the way to the park. Who knew they had a Culver's outside of Milwaukee? OK, it's not Kopp's- but it's close. I had the campfire smores flavor and Dan had chocolate. Tomorrow I'm going out to lunch with the friend of a friend I met through Freecycling in Cville. She is taking me to the "Thoroughbred Club" which sounds fancy, so I need to figure out if I have to dress up. Can't wait! This friend of a friend is from Cville and both her sons went to the small college in Colorado that Squirt is going to. SMALL world.
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I have to dress up!

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