
This is Lily. She lives next door, and she and her mom and her brother were our first dinner guests in our new house this evening. They brought flowers, but more than that- laughter and the joy of sharing a meal with children. Once again.

As I set the table for five, I almost counted out three small forks and two large ones like I had all those years. Lily played with Aza's beanie babies and drew me a colorful drawing with Squirt's old colored pencils. Her brother played with Squirt's Legos and asked me to set aside a special Lego person for him to play with next time.

After dinner and our guests went home, Dan and I watched the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. As my grown children are spreading wings and flying, just as I start a new career as a junior faculty member, I can't help but think that time has done a warp on me.

I started this blog in 2007 because 2006 had been such a good year after three dreadful ones, and I hadn't much to show for such a spectacular year. So thankful I am to be able to look back at the last three fabulous years, one day at a time.

If I could put time in a bottle, would I? No, but that isn't for lack of wanting to. Watching Jes, Aza, and Squirt grow into strong, confident, capable and beautiful "grown-ups" is part of what it means to be a mother. This blog is my bottle. It will be full of photos of Aza and Squirt next week when they come "home" to visit.
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1 comment:

mooniebutt said...

What a cute little girl. Looove this picture! You should frame this for her Mommy.