
I will try and take good pictures tomorrow of everybody. Today all my people pictures turned out wrong. But the cookie picture turned out great! Wow, what a spread of cookies we have accumulated.

So far three people have asked me to keep this blog going- Aza, Moonie, and Dan. I have a few more days to think about it. Sometimes I wonder where I get the time to always be thinking of a photo, always writing about the day in short blurbs. But then again, I wonder whether it's time well spent to document my life, our lives, in photos and short blurbs. Sometimes I find I'm able to remember an event because of the blog. When did we go to Hawaii? Oh, I blogged about that. It was the first year of the blog. It must have been 2007. And so forth.... And I'm glad, now that I'm gone from our home in Virginia, that I have a running record of our last three years there. And I wish I'd had the technology to do this when the kids were little. I've forgotten so much. So much. Too much.

Food for thought.

Back to those cookies....
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Anonymous said...

You should definitely keep the blog going! I think it's very cool and I love seeing your pictures. :)

Merry Christmas!!!


Julie said...

Make that five people.