
So this is it.
Last day of 2009- a year of more changes than you can shake a stick at.
Grad student to professor.
Virginian to Kentuckian.
Active mother to empty nester.

But some things remain:
1) Dan.
2) True friends.
3) My mom.
4) My sisters.
5) My children, grown as they are, are still linked to me by an unbreakable cord. (These days some call it the cell phone, but you know what I mean.)
6) You. Yes, you- reading this blog. I wasn't sure anybody read the thing, but there you are. Thank you for peering into my world.

You can keep peering-
I'm not sure what I'd do with all my free time if I quit now. Get published? Write a novel? Frame enough watercolors to have a show? Naaa.

Off to bed. Tomorrow is another decade. Best go check on that blue moon first.
10:28pm December 31st, 2009
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you for the newsletter and photo.

You have a way with words.

Nice family photo, too.