
Worked at school today then walked home with miniature hail pummeling
me. Ok maybe it was hard snow. Made preppy potatoes for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Actually the snow is called "graupel snow" or "dip n dots snow". We had the same thing this morning. It looks like dip n dots when collected on the ground. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graupel
Very interesting and full of science and math!!! The bottom line...it hurts when it's coming down!

Julie said...

Very interesting Anonymous.


What are preppy potatoes?

Chrissy said...

I was hoping someone would ask. I made dinner with only three decent ingredients in the house. Potatoes, broccoli, and some frozen ham left over from Christmas dinner. So I made mashed potatoes, added chopped ham, and served it topped with steamed broccoli in a brown butter sauce. It looked so preppy pink and green! Dan and Squirt asked me what it was called and I just said, "preppy potatoes." Squirt said, "Don't ever make this again."

Julie said...

Lol! So, they were not to Squirt's liking.

They sound interesting. I have been trying to come up with different ways to prepare food. To get inspiration, I have been watching CHOPPED on the FOOD NETWORK. Have you seen it?

Chrissy said...

We don't have cable, so no, I haven't seen it.

Julie said...

