11-7-10 part 2





So here we are at the Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary. First we went to a bird blind, a little shack with a big picture window (tinted so the birds can't see you) looking out onto bird feeder heaven. We saw so many birds coming up really close to the window. It was so special- makes me want to get some bird feeders for our house.

Next we hiked all the trails: red, white, yellow and blue. Saw a nice pond and geodes and fossils and lots of beauty. I wish I'd had a clear view of the river, but it was not on the direct path.

Sunday evening I developed a migraine. Not looking forward to my week ahead. Sometimes I wish I lived out in the woods on a mountain and didn't have the pressure of my job. Maybe I can retire early and have a different life for a while.

1 comment:

Julie said...

A lot of scenic pictures on here. Thanks for sharing.