


This weekend in 1984 I met Dan's parents for the first time. I'll never forget the Q&A session that took place on the couch when I arrived after a 16 hour drive to Wisconsin for the first time. We'll be driving up there in a couple weeks.

OK, so today was unbelievably productive. I gardened for an hour this morning. I finished updating my distance learning course and submitted it to the department for final approval. I actually submitted a manuscript to JRST! It will probably get rejected right away, but hey- I want to start at the top. I think it's an important piece of research.

So the pictures today... my ground covering, Thyme, at sunset. Dan and his Old Kentucky buddies sitting on the front porch next door drinking beer- Ricardo and WheelMan. They requested those aliases specifically.

I don't know how or why the depression lifted and I feel better, but I hope I can bottle it.

This day on 5-30

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