

We have these flowers... are they calla lilies? I don't know but they are beautiful. I cut one and brought it inside.
Daisies. We have daisies.

Today I worked like a writing fiend and finished all the edits to two curriculums. Also ran statistical tests on the pre-post tests with the teachers I trained and got significant gains from both the math and the science teachers.

I think I've worked more this week than any other this year.
Oh and I got two tickets for me and Dan to go to Colorado in July to see Jes and have a little vacation after my CAREER grant is due.

Oh, I submitted my NSF annual report today.

See? I'm a writing fiend.
Time to write the biggest grant proposal ever now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
Those flowers look like gladiolas. We raise them from bulbs.
In our climate we need to remove them in the fall and replant in the spring. However I do have a couple that I left in all year round and they have come back , apparently the frost didn't get to them . Enjoy your summer, talk soon!

Love , Mom