
I finished these today after the crew left again for another backpacking trip. After they left, and after I took pictures of these socks I got sad. I ate a bunch of doughnuts and watched two episodes of The Handmaid's Tale and looked at Instagram and Pinterest a lot... pining for clay, thinking of all the things I want to make and the studio I want to have one day.

I used to dream of the luxury of being alone in a cabin. Now I have that luxury and I want to be home. I have books to read, the Internet, yarn, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and a creek and a swing outside.... and a car and places to go if I want.... but being alone gets old. Being alone gets old. It's nice in small chunks but not bigger ones. Especially when there is no clay. It's amazing how much I do NOT want to work, to do anything related to my JOB, the one I get paid to do. I'm possessed by clay and being away from it is hard. I bet my mom feels this way about cooking.

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