6-20-18 part 2

We picked chanterelle mushrooms today from a friend's woods. Chiggers. Abounded.

6-20-18 part 1

At the studio today, I glazed.


I'm crocheting an Afghan thing. Normally I don't like crocheting too much but I love making these scrapwork pieces from leftover pieces of yarn.


It's done! I can't wait to see what people think when it goes on exhibit. I'm going to write a book that goes along with it- find interesting tidbits to tell.
Five feet high and eight feet long.


We are all worried about Squirt. He has three screws pressing on his spinal cord. Here is one image from his CT scan.


My mural has been accepted in a juried art show at the museum so I'm spiffing it up.

Today we worked on the new penguins curriculum because Dan sold a few kits.


We went out to eat because I'd had a hard day. We tried Chipotle and it was too crowded. So we went to Little Italy. I liked the eggplant sandwich.


Happy 10th birthday, Buddy! Aunt Chrissy misses you!


Why did the rat snake cross the road? See how it keeps its body in the black area of the painted symbol?


My former student is having a baby girl!


The lobster dinner.
I ate an entire lobster (that's mine on the left).


 Does this lamp make my butt look big?

I am a ghost and I like it.


Who are you looking at? Me? My new coat my mommy knit me?


I sent this to the wrong address so it's out of order. Yes, I can email my posts!

Begin forwarded message:

> We are in North Carolina with our old college friends M&M. M introduced me and Dan to each other in 1984. We are such good friends and have stayed in touch all these years. We are so blessed to still have her and M in our lives. We went for a walk today and shared our hearts out.
> I knitted a mouse for Teensie


Teensie and I are sitting on the couch together. She stared right into the camera.


Finished this today and it looks like a wrapped up gift. Not intended. Once tissues are in it, the tissue will look like a bow.


I picked up this project I did with my sisters a while back. Not crazy about the color but it's neat. We each get a piece.

I've been trying to solve genealogy mysteries today.

Sakura and I start our exercise program today. I made an app to help us stay on track.


It feels good to be going to the studio again.


Feeling well, I went to the studio to work on glazing, and cooked dinner. I just discovered Kroger's personal shopping service and took advantage of it. It's going to change my life!!! Order, drive up, load up, and go home.


It's been raining so much. I sat outside under the eaves and watched the rain.

Also 5-27-18

Sakura knitting on our mom's couch.


This morning is the choir concert at church. I closed my eyes for much of it just to relish in the voices and harmonies. So beautiful.


Sakura is here for the weekend! We knitted and visited and shared meals. We went to see her sing at church for her choir reunion. I love my sister.


Today is Dan's birthday. We went to my doctor this morning then hit the road for the long drive home. I got sick after the Taco Bell stop :(


We are in Richmond with Aza and her boyfriend Sup.
I finished my socks! We went bowling. I did not bowl. I've been having a lot of shocks lately.


I got to meet my cousin in North Carolina! Don't we look alike? We had SUCH a nice time with her and her Santa Claus husband. We just talked and talked.....


North Carolina!
Dan and I are on a road trip. First stop- a cousin on a mountaintop in NC.


Driving home from a crazy rush trip to school to sign some papers, I noticed that the bank building is gone from Tooner's Corner. Just up and gone.

Still working on those socks.


I noticed this on campus today and thought it was interesting.


Working so hard on this paper!!!


There is an art show this fall at the museum and I submitted my mural. The curator contacted me to see how I could fit a 150' mural in a 5' space. This is my idea.