
I am so happy with this. and this. and this.
Dan and I went to get BBQ after picking up all this stuff from the studio. We went to the courthouse lawn and sat on a bench in front of the blue water fountain and ate. I was so excited to be bringing all my goodies home, that I took pictures as soon as we got back.


My crown fell out of my mouth. I was driving back from a middle school in the country when I felt something near this tooth, like something was stuck, and I picked at it, and off popped my tooth crown. I was so freaked out, I had to go home and get in bed. The raw stump of a tooth nub hurt! It was an ugly brown and looked like it was full of cavities. I was SO freaked out, I didn't go to my afterschool club.


These turned out well. I bought some pink high fire underglaze so the pink wouldn't burn out.


Lizella clay is ugly when glazed in clear. I made this test tile with measurement marks up to 10. It shrank to 8.9 from 10. It's beautiful raw-- a brick red-- but uuuuuugly glazed.


Chicken is drying.
One of my PhD students has successfully defended her dissertation. The other is next week.


Today I made pinch pots with some little girls and I showed them how to make things on the wheel. I enjoyed teaching them.


Chicken got more feathers.

3-19-19 Epiphany Day for Me

Today I heard the voice of God. Not really. It wasn't a voice... more of a.... silence.
It said, "This. This. This chicken. This is what you are supposed to be doing. You are good at this. Look. Look. Look."
I got goose bumps and called Dan into the room. I felt like I was floating. I fell in love with this chicken and the way I felt, floating, but planted where I was meant to be.
Below... a jug I made from Lizella clay.


Today we went to a birthday party and I saw on their front door, a decoration I'd made YEARS ago! 
Also, my mom made the dacquoise and it was fantastic.


The mug turned out oK. I wasn't crazy about the color of the clay showing. I'd tried to make an iron wash to darken it but this kiln is hotter at this new studio. Also, because it's hotter, it burns up the color pink. See piggy below!

 This is a bonsai planter I made that turned out nicely. I glazed it with copper red, which shows some blue and purple and red.


This is the painted set... it got all blurry and washed out from the glaze though.


My in-laws are visiting. Aren't they cute snuggled up underneath an afghan I made? I took them to the new studio I joined.

You, reader, must be wondering if I work.

Yes, I work. But I do not like writing about it.


Lots of goodies from the kiln today. This is the last firing I will do at the studio near my house. After this, I will move studios. It took over a month to get these out of the kiln and I got fussed at today when I reached in and took one out. I could see it through the propped lid.. and it was not hot.


I'm participating in a daily challenge to post something on Instagram about my making. The picture above is what I posted today. I'm painting these bowls and mugs. I also painted the pigs.


I have loved clay for a long time, I just didn't know it.
Since I was six, I'd been saving this cow/pig I made. I remember making it. I remember rubbing shoe polish on it after it was bisqued. I've gotten better at making piggies.


This was the day the tornado wiped out Beauregard.


Well, I did it! I made a mug for my favorite coffee shop. Oh, and I finished my socks.


Today is my mom's party. Above I'm with my sisters inside the house, and below we are with our mom outside.

 I made a dacquoise for dessert. It was good but not perfect. The ganache was only supposed to be on the top, so it was hard to cut - I put it in the layers.
Teensie was very interested in the candles and the flowers cut from Gwennie's yard.


Squirt wanted me to make these for him and his friend, so I did.
Below is one sock done.


Today is my mother's 85th birthday! My sisters are coming to town this weekend for her party. Above is a baby blanket I finished today. It's for a former student who is having a little girl. Below are some mugs-- a really awesome turquoise one and one I'm working on for an Arabic student, and a little vase I painted with my Amaco Brent watercolors. No speckles came through... maybe because I coated it in porcelain slip


I got the idea yesterday to do this. I made a reverse mold for a "sticker" for a mug. If all goes well, I'll be making mugs with this sticker to sell in my local favorite coffee shop.


I got some good things out today.
Porcelain vase above and mug below.

 Turquoise mug for CJ and a black one and some Alabama-themed ones. This made me happy and kept me going....


This mug came out of the kiln today and I was very disappointed with all the spots on it. Nobody could tell me where the spots came from or how to get rid of them. I was very frustrated.


I am very frustrated with the studio I use for making pottery. I made these four mugs and had to clean them today because there was soot all over them, they sat so long on the shelves. I'm thinking of switching studios but it's just so convenient to come here....