
 A student came by today and gave me this blanket she'd made for me. 


Set back today. I had my URJ class at 10am and really wanted to attend it, so just listened curled up in bed with a heating pad. Taking amitryptiline and benadryl to try and sleep. So depressed. So so depressed.


 I was eating different this weekend and even though I had to take something to sleep each night, I was doing ok generally during the day.


 I took those pills last night and woke up to pee, and next thing I knew I was waking up on the bathroom floor. The next day I was in bed taking Vicodins. Scared, worried, and in pain. Horrible. I got an appointment to see a urologist on Monday the 13th so I was hanging on to that hope that he would know what this is.


This was the day that shit hit the fan.
Culture negative.
Saw gynecologist.
Went to ER for a CT scan.
Got catheterized.
Pain went through the roof.
Got morphine and dilauded.
Sent home with 5mg Vicodin pills and Flomax and Ditropan with diagnosis of "cystitis."



 I had a meeting on Zoom today and did OK, but I was not doing well. I was thinking maybe I had an antiobiotic resistant UTI. I decided to cancel my walk with LK the following day. I sent Dan to Wal Mart late at night for this but they did not have it. I was desperate. 


 Tuesday, I'd been on Bactrim for 24 hours and was worse. No sleep without a sleeping pill. I was taking cranberry pills and drinking water and eating a lot of potatoes.


I unloaded the kiln and took photos today. Went to the family doctor and she said I had white blood cells in my urine, but not nitrites, so I may have a UTI. I had some Bactrim from a previous bout of pain that I didn't take prescriptions for, so she said to just take those for three days. I was hopeful that I'd be better by morning. But this night, to sleep, I had to take a sleeping pill, the pain was so bad.


 Last night of chanukkah. I was still feeling the sensation of a UTI and treating it with OTC meds and water. Planned to call the doctor in the morning for a urinalysis.


Squirt and Panda came over. I was feeling ok, but not great. 



Friday of Chanukkah, I made challah bread but did not feel well. There was an online department meeting today, and I ate a ton of this bread. I was taking over the counter meds like Azo antibacterial and cranberry, thinking I had a UTI and would just push water and clear it up.



 Last day of feeling well before the illness. Dan and I went out to dinner to celebrate our 36th anniversary. 


Monday, 2nd night!
I was still feeling well at this point, eating potatoes every night.



My first first night of Chanukkah.



We went to Smith Mountain today to hike.
I hiked half of the loop then went to a yarn store in Dadeville.
Then got lost for 45 minutes driving around the countryside.



Got some good news today! 


 Teensie got a new bed from The Civilized Cat! 


The neighbors cut down this dead tree! 



So this happened today. I tried to shut the lid so Teensie wouldn't scratch it, and ended up closing it on the dongle. Don't do that. 



Squirt and Panda are engaged! Here he is working on making her an engagement ring with a white sapphire!



My new socks and new DuckFeet shoes!



Look at this. J sitting his baby bathtub holding the book I wrote for him about his first week! 



This kid likes to experiment with magnets on his mom's baby table! We went to Target today and I picked out some toys for him, and a couple new outfits.



I had to work while I was visiting the Js. Also, went to a yarn store and got some sock yarn! See?



We went to Red Rocks with the J family. I had a hard time hiking up the hill. 



Baby J in the penguin suit I made for Squirt back in 1992!!!!!



He knew just what to do with it!



I made this for J and am taking it to him tomorrow!



Mom is home!



Mom is in the hospital for a blood transfusion. She got anemic from blood loss due to a bleeding ulcer. I had to call 911 and get an ambulance to take her. She could not stand without passing out. It was so scary. But she is fine now with more blood. 



Mom gave me DuckFeet shoes for my birthday.