
Baby Dale is fine.
Jes had to have surgery, and she came through with a lot of blood loss. Blood transfusion did not work, as she had a reaction - cytokine reaction. Iron transfusions commence and blood transfusion will be attempted again. She is weak, but alive. Baby Dale is 6 pounds. A great weight for a baby born a month early.



 Today Dan is fixing the deck railing so J won't climb up it and fall over the edge.

Tonight I will get a call, shortly before midnight, that baby Dale is born. Then, I will rush to the hospital in the middle of the night, praying out loud in English and Hebrew for Jes to be alive when I get there. It was more terrifying than terrifying.


We are in Denver watching J.



Flying to Denver to be with Jes while she waits to deliver.


 Panda and I redecorated my bedroom.


 Our visit in Virginia is coming to an end. It will be super hard to say bye-bye to Miss Rose.


 I'm loving being with my tiny granddaughter. Today I managed to work a bit on my book project and other than that, cooked French Toast for breakfast and Gumbo for dinner. 


 Three little cotton animals for baby Rose.




She's here! I need to come up with a pseudonym for my new little grandbaby. I tested negative late today, so was able to ride up to the hospital an hour or so after she was born and see her. She was born on her Papa's 59th birthday.


Today I leave Denver and say "see ya later" to my J. Still covid positive, I'm flying to Richmond and will mask up until I'm negative.


Yep, it snowed a foot last night! 



Still covid positive. It's day 8.


Took J to see his mama today.


Aza is due today! I have Covid now, so won't be able to see her until next weekend.


This is the hospital where Jes is living until she gives birth to Finch.


We did some gardening today and planted flowers.


This is the book I sent J. He's looking at a photo of his uncle Supbra.

And he loves his little cotton rabbit!


I finally made it to Denver. The trip was postponed because J got COVID and I wanted to wait until he was past his most infectious phase. Also, Jes was told that she needed to stay in the hospital for the rest of her pregnancy, and that prompted me to get there asap. Man, I look old. 


I made this for Jes to use. Will bring it to her.


 I don't know why but we moved the couch to vacuum today and found evidence of J and cats.


 Last class! 


Mom taught my craft class tonight. We made pickles, butter, biscuits, and focaccia. 




One for baby Rose and one for baby Finch.


So when I'm not with my grandbabies, I like making things for them. This is a book I made for J. It's full of photos of him with his family. 

spring has sprung!



I discovered a cult following.... these little cotton rabbit designs are adorable. 
They are like potato chips! This was my first. (As I type this, it's May 27th and I've made six thus far...)

