Dinner at the President’s house. So fancy! Lots of wealthy people/ donors there. Got two gifts on the way out- a Nest candle and a French kitchen towel.
Babkas. I saw an ad on Facebook for Goldbelly babkas and decided that I just had to make them. So fun to make! So yummy.
We left at 7am for the drive to Wisconsin. 14.25 hours later we arrived. The drive through Chicago was the hardest part. I sat in front the whole time. Dan drove most of the way while Squirt worked in the back seat and Panda drove for a few hours. I knitted and wrote letters as it got colder and colder and colder.
I got little J dressed today in his checkered shirt and overalls. He scooted himself under the Christmas tree to play with the ornaments.
This is my little bear grandbaby. She’s got chickenpox and has to stay quarantined in the basement. So we spend some time downstairs and some time upstairs with the boys.