
The Jeffersonia diphylla has bloomed in my front garden, a gift from a student long ago, perennially blooming each spring.


My orchid is getting ready to pop right open!


Randy's pennies from playing bourree.


My orchid is preparing to bloom!


Getting ready for the Gumbo Ya Ya!


Today is the first full day of spring! Here are the little flowers blooming on our Japanese Maple Tree, and here's Frisbee looking out the window at Dan spreading mulch in the gardens. Welcome spring!


I spent today working in my office at school. This is my office, and these are my friends Igor, Banshee, and Lala, who are in the doctoral program with me. I set the camera on a shelf to take this picture.


OK, my office is a big mess. I'm drowning in papers and books. This one special booklet is 50 years old, commissioned by President Eisenhower. I got it through interlibrary loan.


We went on a hike today and it was clear and cool. A great day for a hike around the trail.


This is not hot chocolate. I wish! It's hot carob, a safe substitute for chocolate. It wasn't bad... it wasn't that great either, but for a cold wet dreary day, it tasted yummy in my tummy.


Today it actually slushed. It rained ice a bit. Here's the view out my office window. See the bird house? Dreary day.


Another day spent reading and writing. Just me in my office all day long.


Today was Pi Day. I had a migraine all day, so no pictures on Pi Day.


This has to be one of the coolest pictures I've taken this year. The sun was setting, coming in the windows at the perfect angle, and Dan was taking a drink. I captured this shadow on the secretary my mom gave us.


Today I made some trick card videos.


A day spent reading and writing.


Dan got me tulips today. They're my favorite flower. Today we hiked some more around the trail circuit, then took an afternoon nap, then went shopping for dinner, then JES came home from Florida, then we ate shrimp etouffee and fried eggplant with blueberry muffins, whipped cream, and strawberries for dessert. It was a perfect day, and I'm so happy to have all my children home tonight.


Now, THIS is what the Gaffney peach is supposed to look like! We had great weather driving past it going north.


This is the townhouse I lived in from the age of 5 to 9, in Athens, Georgia. 101 Georgetown Drive.


Random picture of the Georgia countryside


Aza in front of the reflecting pool at the Museum where we had lunch today with Mom and Jacob and Finney and Donna and Nancy. Mmmmm.... the food was delicious, and the art was lovely. Especially the melted chair exhibit. Oh, and the flying tar paper people. But I can't forget the Audubon prints and the stunning Chihuly chandelier.
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This is Eloise, chopping celery. I just LOVE Eloise, she makes me laugh, no matter how I'm feeling. She missed her calling in show business, for sure... Going home is a pleasure, because Eloise is always there. She taught us a useful lesson about entertaining guests last night. It's not the host's fault if the mushroom tarts get a little bit over burned!


These are my mom's cookbooks. There are more on a shelf above her desk. Have you ever seen so many cookbooks in your life? I don't even think Barnes and Noble has this many!


This is sweet litttle Preston. The photo is blurry because he was wiggly and I had the flash off. It was wonderful to see and hold him at last. I've been friends with his mommy, his grandparents, his great grandparents, and his great great grandmother, Bama, for many, many years.


We made it to Auburn, thank God. Today was a beautiful, sunny and warm contrast to the first of March. This is a photo of my mom's living room renovation. She did a lovely job, and the piano sounds wonderful in the much-enlarged room.


The Peach, in Gaffney, South Carolina. Photo taken through the window of the car, driving 50 mph in the worst driving weather I've ever experienced. I was behind the wheel, Aza took the picture. (Gotta give her credit!) She also gets credit for half the driving. We were headed for even worse weather south.


This isn't just any old bagel. The fact that it's a Bodo's Bagel isn't even why I'm posting it today, but that in itself makes it post-worthy. Actually, I'm posting a picture of a Bodo's Bagel because I have successfully eaten one every day for nearly a week without a migraine, even though it contains two potential migraine triggers: malted barley wheat and fresh yeast. After 5 months of abstaining from Bodo's, I can once again partake of my favorite local cuisine. Yeah!


Today was a very boring, mundane work day, but the sky was beautiful. It was foggy in the morning, clear all day, and full of colorful clouds in the afternoon.


Just a smidgen of snow left at the base of my crepe myrtle. I miss the snow...


I bought my very first ipod today! I loaded it up with at least a dozen CDs and it's half full. Should make running more enjoyable.


Train tracks over Market Street, and view of the street from up on the tracks. Dan and I went on a nice hike through the woods to get here. Warm, sunny day.