8-10-10 morning




A view of our house- the brown one next to the amazing garden...

We got up at sunrise to go see the tide pools at VERY low tide this morning. So many exposed sea creatures! It was simply amazing. Afterwards Aza and I cooked a big breakfast of waffles, pecan waffles, blueberry pancakes, blueberry and banana pancakes, snausages, and hot tea. Mmmm... then back to bed for nap.

8-9-10 afternoon





We took a ride up the coast to see a few things- the Sea Lion Caves (which contained four sea lions) and a few other interesting things like Devil's Churn. For dinner we went out to dinner at The Drift Inn. We had to wait a long time for a table but it was worth it. It's funny- they call shrimp "prawns" here.

8-9-10 morning




Aza and I went for a walk along the beach together this morning. We discovered some tide pools and saw sea stars, sea anenomes, and had a great time climbing on the rocks and exploring.

8-8-10 evening



This evening the sunset was beautiful. We cooked dinner at the house- grilled out- and then played a hilarious game of Apples to Apples all together.

8-8-10 afternoon

View from our beach house in Yachats, Oregon!

8-8-10 morning

All my children! In one place! This taken just after a trip to Powell Bookstore.


We went to the Japanese garden in Portland today. Everything was so pretty and refined.


Turbulent flight into Salt Lake City, so much so that I cried when we landed. This is the sky. Oh, and I'm not in the south anymore. Instant ice tea at the airport restaurant we had dinner at. Can't wait to see Jes and Squirt tonight in Oregon!




The sunroom is done. Note the painted ceiling and how it mirrors the dark slate of the floor. The brick wall is no longer pink, but "Indian White" and the trim is the same trim color as the rest of the house. I love it!




Busy week accomplishing so many things before our big trip to Oregon. What's a week without a little painting project? Aza painted our sunroom this week- brick wall, ceiling, trim and all. Here are some photos of the work in progress.




Wonderful visit today with my friend Moonie and her husband and little girl. Their daughter played with my niece, my dog, and a frog! We left after lunch for the long drive home.


On our way out into the countryside for a wedding of Dan's cousin.

 Dan gives me a funny look outside the reception hall. Hmmmm.... photos again?!

 The beautiful bride arrives to the reception in style!

A gathering of the clan outside the reception hall. Sisters-in-Law on the left, Brothers-in-Law on the right.


Where in the world is Chrissy?

Landed in Wisconsin today. First stop, Kopps!
 Second stop, Lake Muskego... for a little water skiing.



Aza came home today! It took her over 12 hours to get here because of an accident on I-64. We had a nice steak dinner and a relaxing evening catching up. So good to have her home.


The naked ladies, errr "lilies" are back!


Dan and Frisbee left today for Wisconsin. He will spend a week with his family doing all those fun outdoorsy things he likes to do. I'll join him this coming weekend for a cousin's wedding. Meanwhile, I'm participating in a teacher workshop all week long.


This is the bird who crashed into my office window today. Glad it survived.

I worked all day on making these blinds for the windows in the den. The light is SO bright coming in later afternoon.






I finally got my solar car curriculum done. Here are pictures I took for it. What a lot of work! Now... to put it to good use and get some research out of it.


Today we had to get up around 4:30am because Dan had to drive Squirt to the airport at 5am for his flight west. He landed in Wyoming this afternoon, safe and sound, and he and Jes will spend the month backpacking. This is the only photo I could get of my son as he was rushing out the door today.


Last night Squirt came home around 11pm for what will be a 30 hour stay before his journey west. It's good to have him here, even for a short while.
The side yard next to the driveway is pretty with all the black eyed susans.
Oh, Squirt. Falling asleep on the couch. Rest up, you'll have a busy day of traveling tomorrow.


Three and a half months in the compost bin... that's about 14 weeks and if I washed it, I could probably put more chips back in.
Today I worked on my syllabus for fall, my Save the Sea Birds curriculum, and made eggplant hummus and coleslaw. That's about it. I'll be going for a run later on when it cools off.



Sunday. Went to church- walking a mile each way in the heat and heels. Worked in the afternoon on a literature review on children's alternative conceptions of energy, force, and motion. Late in the afternoon I went for a run so that I could justify dessert as we planned to meet a couple for dinner at Bella Notte. And I love their chocolate souffle. So I ran about 3/4 mile without stopping in the mid-afternoon heat then came home and lay on the floor with my head on the AC vent. The top photo was of my view lying there. The bottom photo is of the P. Buckley Moss print my mom gave my sister who gave it to me. Dan hung it today and I love it there. The AC vent is right underneath it.


Thursday... I am in the middle of a painting project. The foyer, the stairs, and the upstairs hallway. I hate getting on the ladder on the stairs so Dan helped me paint the tough places. It's going to look good.


Wednesday. I summon the energy to start a painting project. Washing walls, taping, sanding and patching rough areas, re-plastering others... Who would think a non-room would be so much work.



I am at my sister's this weekend helping her move it. I helped her paint a bed, figure out where to put things, where to hang pictures, and after just two days it's looking great. She painted walls and did a great job. I'm glad she's only 3 hours away now and I can visit her like this.