
My mother's dining room gutted.

From the other side...

Kitchen looking a bit more done.

This is the "before" picture. She had some stained glass windows designed which should install soon.

Meanwhile, I started another pair of socks.



It's done!!!
Now for some comfy furniture...


It rained today so the crew only got so far.

I like the way the planter area is looking.

I taught tonight in my new socks.


More rocks and mortar

Parts look finished.

Where to put this one???

By the end of Wednesday it was looking really nice.

Meanwhile, I finished my socks!

10-15-13 my mother's house

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the old wallpaper is now revealed. Boy, does that spark nostalgia!

Looking from the little kitchen to the big kitchen. What a mess.

The big kitchen full of stuff.

More tools and stuff.

Dan, the Storyman, and Fletcher discussing progress. 

The cabinets are slowly going in.

I like the round doorway.
It was so freaky seeing  all this. Very disconcerting to have my childhood home changed.

10-15-13 My patio progress

The crew arrived this morning to start building us a new patio.

They hauled rocks, scraped the existing surface...

Put mortar over the bricks on the wall, and started laying rock.

It was a mess.

But I could see potential.
Worked from home all day grading midterms.


I treated myself today.
On the way into work I stopped by the cart selling Overall Company Pops and got a hazlenut chocolate.

Taught a good class tonight on digital probeware. 


Sock progress

Done sock!


I bought double pointed needles. I am making socks.

My sweet Dan got us a Pumpkin.

I had a great day. Worked in the yard for two hours then scrubbed Squirt's bathroom walls with bleachy water to prepare it for painting.
It's simply amazing what fruits and flowers are alive in our yard this time of year.

While I felt great, I over did it. By 2pm I was feeling the familiar migraine coming on. Spent the rest of the day in bed.


Yellow butterflies are loving this sage plant in our back yard. 

Mom's kitchen is coming along VERY SLOWLY. The Storyman is slow to get anything done over there. 


My niece got the scarf and book I sent to her. She is so excited for my sister to teach her to knit!
Meanwhile, I started on some new yarn.


She got an iPhone. Why, I'm not sure. But she did-- and now I can text her!
Today after my neuromuscular therapy (massage) I went to school for a three hour meeting. Got a migraine about two hours into it. Worked in my office for a while then just had to come home, take medicine, and get in bed. I had a grad student teach my class. It was bad.


We did some yard work today and Dan cut down the big collections of bushes that was in front of the dining room window. Now we can see out! 


This little salamander was on our back patio wall this evening. I noticed him while we were having dinner outside. The weather is so nice now.

Mom took me for lunch to hear some speakers. This one is an actor who went to Auburn a long time ago. This luncheon was to celebrate 50 years of integration at AU.



It's tent day here on the Plains.
This means that a football game is nigh- in two days!
I taught tonight and even though I started class with a migraine brewing, it went away. That's how much I love teaching.

Due to Excessive SPAM

Comments will not be accepted until I can figure out how to stop someone from spamming me with links to online casinos.


Today was Hey Day at school. Symbolically, my department voted unanimously YES on my tenure. Now it goes to the college vote. It's a relief.

This is my "knitting in the round" practice loop.