
One of the good things about being in Baltimore is seeing my sister Sta and my niece. Here we are at dinner trying to polish off a Smith Island 8 layer cake. I did my share!


We are in Baltimore for NARST this week. Baltimore has a lot of cultural offerings, and Dan got to experience them all. I attended a lot of sessions, and lead some meetings... and caught up with some friends.


Dan's pottery is really good. I wish he was taking the class with me again. I like going, but it was good having him there too.


The ginkos are doing great! We transplanted them in the fall and they have both leafed out. Grown from seeds from our old Kentucky home.


We set up this garden statue for Mom. She had us to dinner. It was wobbly-


Easter dinner at Mom's and I brought her these flowers in a vase I'd made. See how it matches her other things?


More pots come out of the kiln. Dan made the one on the right.
I signed up for pottery class for 10 more sessions. Now that I'm getting the hang of it, I don't want to quit.
Genealogy research has paid off splendidly. I've met so many cousins online, and even one from Russia. I talk by phone with one regularly.


The first bowls come out of the kiln.

I don't like the thin brown glaze inside this. Must remember not to use it again.


A windmill at the Bascom Art Museum in Highlands, and a knitted sculpture. We left today... and will miss the mountains until next time.


Sunset in Highlands

Dry Falls. Not dry.


 We are in Highlands, NC for the weekend. We hiked a mountain and I felt strong-- not winded-- strong the whole way to the top. Walking every day for 2.5 months has really made a difference in my stamina and heart health.


The house up the street, where a former house was demolished, is being built. It is huge and massively towers over the little brick house next door.


I wasn't there, but Squirt went to Colorado to see Jes and took this selfie while on a 5 hour hike in the mountains. Just look at my boy!


Spring break, yellow roses bloom, and we get a visit from Meg and Gary from C'ville. 
We showed them around campus.


Today I switched notebooks and couldn't bear to dismiss my doodles, so I photographed them. My work researching my ancestors continues and yields new discoveries every day.


My students at the rural high school spinning wool into yarn.
This week I found my cousin Nancy, the professor and author, who lives in Massachusetts. Going back in my genealogy resulted in finding her. Joy oh joy!


My  newest obsession...


1.8 grams of wool became 3 yards of yarn, woven into six square centimeters of fabric.
Just trying stuff.


Socks in the grass
Not Squirt's socks.
Confirmed by text message.


Working on a pot from Tuesday that turned out funky. Hair in eyes.


Pottery classes started tonight.


Happy birthday, Mom and Franny!


And I got chocolate.

and ran through the woods

and made crepes...


We hiked to the top of Smith Mountain and climbed the look-out tower to get this view. On the top of Alabama.

The view down...


My view from my office. The light. The light.


Afterschool day with yarn... and fibers... and KoolAid


Strangely, I found both these views to be compelling today.



Walking to work.
Now, driving seems like a strange thing.
I have not really lost weight in this month+ of daily walking at LEAST 3 miles a day in addition to the 1.5 miles I typically get just going about my day, but I feel different. 


Rabbit Rabbit. Went for  night walk and the misty foggy air was pretty beautiful. I've been going on a lot of night walks by myself lately.


My brother Wm and I walked 10 miles today around DC in the snow. Snow on the ground, not in the air. I had on my little black boots and surprisingly didn't get any blisters. We had lunch at an organic salad place and a coffee at Starbucks. Then I left for the airport and had a harrowing time getting home. Subway... airport... flying... ATL airport... driving back to Auburn.