
Who are you looking at? Me? My new coat my mommy knit me?


I sent this to the wrong address so it's out of order. Yes, I can email my posts!

Begin forwarded message:

> We are in North Carolina with our old college friends M&M. M introduced me and Dan to each other in 1984. We are such good friends and have stayed in touch all these years. We are so blessed to still have her and M in our lives. We went for a walk today and shared our hearts out.
> I knitted a mouse for Teensie


Teensie and I are sitting on the couch together. She stared right into the camera.


Finished this today and it looks like a wrapped up gift. Not intended. Once tissues are in it, the tissue will look like a bow.


I picked up this project I did with my sisters a while back. Not crazy about the color but it's neat. We each get a piece.

I've been trying to solve genealogy mysteries today.

Sakura and I start our exercise program today. I made an app to help us stay on track.


It feels good to be going to the studio again.


Feeling well, I went to the studio to work on glazing, and cooked dinner. I just discovered Kroger's personal shopping service and took advantage of it. It's going to change my life!!! Order, drive up, load up, and go home.


It's been raining so much. I sat outside under the eaves and watched the rain.

Also 5-27-18

Sakura knitting on our mom's couch.


This morning is the choir concert at church. I closed my eyes for much of it just to relish in the voices and harmonies. So beautiful.


Sakura is here for the weekend! We knitted and visited and shared meals. We went to see her sing at church for her choir reunion. I love my sister.


Today is Dan's birthday. We went to my doctor this morning then hit the road for the long drive home. I got sick after the Taco Bell stop :(


We are in Richmond with Aza and her boyfriend Sup.
I finished my socks! We went bowling. I did not bowl. I've been having a lot of shocks lately.


I got to meet my cousin in North Carolina! Don't we look alike? We had SUCH a nice time with her and her Santa Claus husband. We just talked and talked.....


North Carolina!
Dan and I are on a road trip. First stop- a cousin on a mountaintop in NC.


Driving home from a crazy rush trip to school to sign some papers, I noticed that the bank building is gone from Tooner's Corner. Just up and gone.

Still working on those socks.


I noticed this on campus today and thought it was interesting.


Working so hard on this paper!!!


There is an art show this fall at the museum and I submitted my mural. The curator contacted me to see how I could fit a 150' mural in a 5' space. This is my idea.


I'm busy working on a paper. The stats are so much fun.
Here Teensie is wrestling with Barney.


I had my teeth "highlighted" today!


My student graduated! Hooding her was really special. In the late afternoon she came over to Mom's house for a celebration dinner. The cake was so good :)


Last day of the curriculum- all the children were successful designing their devices. Afterwards we went to dinner with Jes in Santa Monica. We walked all over and went down to the beach and ended up at the SM pier. We spent some time back at Jes's apartment and then had to say goodbye. We will see her again in July for her 32nd birthday.


We drove up to see my sister for the evening. Had dinner then headed back to the west side. Here I am with Sakura and Buddy and Fossie and Lilly.


The kids love the design challenge!


Today I showed up at the elementary school at 8:30 and started watching a teacher teach my curriculum. It's like watching a play you've written. Way cool!

Then I walked up the bluff back to our apartment. 

We have an apartment in the back of this house.

Isn't it cool? The bed is too small though. Only 6' long and very narrow. We had a rough night's sleep last night. 

We picked up Jes for dinner in Venice. We had a great dinner at a vegetarian place.
Then we took some funny pictures, dropped her off, came back to the apartment, fixed the toilet (long story) and I graded papers.


We spent last night with Jes. I finished my sock today. Now for the second sock! We checked out a local farmer's market and I bought some strawberries, flowers, and oranges. Then we drove to Pasadena to see my aunt and uncle. They made us a delicious lasagne dinner with pear tarte for dessert. Then we checked into our apartment on the bluff overlooking the elementary school. 


It's April. I've been typing March for weeks now. Pretty soon it will be May.

We hung out at Sakura's house today. Dan played hot wheels with Buddy and Fossy while I knitted and cooked dinner. Yum! Food imitates Italian tiles here. I worked out with my sister too (learned how to do a plank), and went for a walk with Dan. It was a good day.