
Today was amazing.
I woke up at 6:30 without a headache and without any stomach pain. I went for a walk, worked all morning, then picked up Buddy and Fossie for the day. We went to the university, to the pottery studio, they played basketball, we went to the arboretum, and I fixed them dinner.


I've been feeling sick to my stomach lately. Today I went to the studio anyway and made these seven mugs. My stomach felt like it had a hot brick in it. I've been trying to do a little of everything on my list each day.


Today is today.
July 16th- the birthday of my birth father and my Nana.
I went to a meeting at school, then scooted over to the pottery studio to glaze, then went back to school for another meeting. Tonight I have another meeting to attend, this one for an organization I'm on the board of. 


Buddy and Fossie came over today. They are visiting their Grammy and Papa this week and next. We did all sorts of things including Frisbee golf, lemonade, attic exploration, Cricut design, stamp collection analysis, eating, watching Star Trek (the old ones), writing letters to their mommy, etc.


OK here I am with cat and yarn again.
I promise, I do more than cat and yarn.


 I've gotten far on my blanket. Plus, I'm working on other stuff. Don't worry. I do more than crochet and knit. I take photos of flying broomsticks. See below.


This says it all.
Home again with my Teensie cat and my yarn.


We had to say goodbye to Aza and Squirt this morning-- Dan took them to the Detroit airport and then we headed home. We did the drive in one day, only stopping for gas and for dinner in Chattanooga here on Warehouse Row at a cute little restaurant called Tupelo Honey Cafe.


Today we left Holland, Michigan to go to Detroit. 
Detroit was fun. We went to a museum and walked along the lake front.
We looked at Canada.

See the flag on the right???


Today I was feeling a bit better so we went on a hike. Of course, I got a call from the hospital saying that I had what I said I had, and got the medicine I said I needed. Picked that up.

We hiked up a dune and then back down again to the beach on Lake Michigan.


Today I took family photos. Lots and lots of them. Here is us with Dan's parents. I love this picture.
We went out to dinner to celebrate my MIL's 80th birthday. I still wasn't feeling well and had a bit of a breakdown after taking photos. 

It's Jes's birthday today! 


Squirt and Aza arrived today.
I didn't take many pictures because I woke up sick and had to take myself to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room (it was not really the ER, but a kind of urgent care attached to the hospital) for two hours before being seen by a doctor who did not believe I had what I said I had, and would not give me the medicine I said I needed. I was miserable all day.


One of the joys of traveling is seeing new yarn stores. This one was really special. I think I spent about an hour in there salivating and buying some special things. Not too much... but some treats.


Blueberries and waffles with coffee milk for breakfast at the lake!

I spent all day in the kitchen preparing a meal for 20 or so.

And once again, the sunset was beautiful


Driving to Michigan... to see our kids and all the other members of Dan's family.
We made it to the lake house in time for the beautiful sunset.


Look at Teensie's new collar. It's turned inside out... but it was braided by Aza. I sewed the buckle on, and the flowers from her old collar. She needs a collar because tomorrow she's going to Nana's house for 10 days while Dan and I go to a family reunion.


Today I was marking things off my to do list in anticipation for our trip tomorrow. Three drug stores were visited and the pet store and I reviewed an article and wrote a letter for my external review. A huge storm came. See the sky?


Studio today. Threw a bunch of 1 lb tea bowls and a vase. Got some stuff from the kiln.


Worked on penguin curriculum today and then noticed how nice the yard looked! Dan does such a great job.


I love my corn thingy!

6-20-18 part 2

We picked chanterelle mushrooms today from a friend's woods. Chiggers. Abounded.

6-20-18 part 1

At the studio today, I glazed.