
Today is today.
Sorry, blog readers, that it is taking me a month to update this thing. Yikes.
Teensie is being a total bugger hissing and swatting at Aza and Brewski and Jes. While Jes and I were cooking dinner and the rest were playing Frisbee golf, Teensie let Jes pick her up. 

This is Teensie mad after Aza took her chair.
I made a zucchini zoodle dinner tonight that was really good.
I knitted on a pair of socks while Squirt kept us updated with his delayed travels. He won't get in until tomorrow now.... Christmas Eve.


Dental hygienists in the house! 
Jes is braiding her hair!
Aza is going to hate this picture but it's so funny! 

My holiday decor....

And breakfast.... with sunlight streaming in.


Today is the winter solstice. It got dark at 4:30pm.
This pot above did not turn out well. Before glazing on the left, after on the right. I should have painted colors on the white slip.

Another commission for the daughter of a friend. 

Aza and Brewski arrived tonight! Dan went to pick them up from the airport.


I glazed some things today while Dan and Jes went to Sam's.


 Jes and I decorated the tree tonight!
My size six jeans arrived! See how much weight I've lost this semester?

Glazed teal blue.

Glazed blue shino,


I made a delicious dinner tonight and when Jes arrived home (after we went and got her) she had the leftovers. 
We drove to ATL and back. 
Yay! She's here!


I made these pots into candles today and posted the above picture on Instagram and then someone wanted to buy it so I put it on Etsy and it sold. The one below burns so nice. I gave a student an exam today (late) and did some last minute decorating before Jes comes tomorrow! 


This is the prom dress I made when Jes was 17. Aza wore it a couple years later. 
It fits me.
It's silk. Very pretty. I can't believe I made it. 
Below is a picture I took and then edited with a program. I think it's really cool.


This is a tiny teacup I made. Got lots of stuff from the kiln today and shipped it off. Today was the department Christmas cookie exchange.


I like carving even though I'm a big shaky at it.
I had coffee this morning with my colleague, M.
We have never done this before after 7 years of working together. It was actually really nice.


Some special orders... a measuring cup in teal and a big tea cup.
I hope the shrinkage isn't such that they are too small!

Had a meeting today with Dr. V and M to talk about pursuing an actual 5 year program and pursuing a program that is based on medical technology.


I got a visit today from my student, his wife, and their baby. It was great fun to hold baby Jack.
I gave my final exam today from 6-8. Got some knitting done.


This is what I did this evening. No students came... so I worked and knitted.


Today we saw more houses on the tour and I really liked this window decoration and the below wreath.

I sold my first pottery to a stranger today! My Etsy shop is open and I'm selling lots of mugs.


 Saturday. Dan and I went on the Christmas house tour today with Gwennie. It was neat to see how people decorated their homes and made me feel a bit inspired. I'm busy busy on knitting Christmas gifts though... so decorating will have to wait.


We still have roses in the yard. This little vase turned out cute. The Nox on the top gives it the very blue, and the shinos underneath show at the bottom. I wonder how it would have been just Nox though.

Here you can see the Nox breaking up and the green shino showing through. This vase turned out so pretty.
Today is the official last day of classes.


It's Thursday. I had a hard week. I taught my last classes Monday and Tuesday nights, then went to do my observations on Wednesday and ended up with a migraine and could only see one student. I did limp over to the studio to do a bit of glazing though... since some of these mugs were destined for people giving them as gifts.


I went to the pottery studio this morning and did some glazing.
Then I went to school and taught my last tech class of the semester.

This turned out gorgeous. 

These burned up in the bad kiln. They came out toasted bubbly brown.

This was pretty green when it was done even though blue was put on top.

This turned out really blue and pretty,


Sunday. I went to the IAMBK Gala this evening. It was fun seeing my afterschool students perform on stage. Here is one of my grad students in a skit-of-sorts.


Dan was at Best Robotics and I went to visit Doug and B. Doug is receiving hospice care at home now. The cancer has spread badly and he is in great pain. 


Today is our 33rd anniversary! 
This is our Japanese Maple Tree in full color.
It's Friday... I had my Healthy Tigers appointment today (quite healthy) and we went to dinner at Stinky's Fish Camp.


Another special order in progress.
This is how I feel most of the time.
Today I got an order from a stranger and it made me so happy temporarily, to feel validated. My head still hurts, I don't feel like working, and all I want to do it knit or work with clay.

What is wrong with me???


I went by the studio today with a migraine that had lingered since yesterday (could not teach last night) and picked up these beauties. I put them on Etsy. Man, they are really beautiful.

I'm also working on some special orders for people. My friend Dieter wants a blue rose, and my friend PJ wants a heart with wings in a bigger mug.