
Today we got up early and drove to Atlanta to a Subaru dealer and bought this car.. I then drove to the airport and flew to Dallas to see my sister and take a painting class with her. So, in this week I have been to the hospital, been to Atlanta, been to two airports, and been to Dallas... at the very beginning of the coronavirus crisis in the US. 


Teensie and Grayson!
Below is a photo of the intersection where I had my accident. Today we went to the police station to get the accident report and went to see the car at the junk yard. The police report indicated that a witness stopped at the red light northbound on College saw the car run the red light and strike me... that was a relief.


I was on my way to an 11:00 meeting at school when I was struck by a northbound car while crossing College Street. My side airbag inflated, I spun around 180 degrees, and ended up back where I started turned around. My knee was bleeding and it felt like my uterus was falling out of me. I got ahold of Dan and he came up and sat with me on the sidewalk. He ended up taking me to the ER where I was scanned. All was ok. We were there all afternoon. I was very shaken up. I just noticed that my windshield wipers are in the up position. I wonder why that happened. My glasses flew off my face, so did inertia knock the wipers up?


Just some things I've made lately.


Working with a kitten snuggled in...
Dan and I went for a walk today at the nature preserve.


These are some of the best ocarinas that the elementary education students made!






This is our living room... Dan in the reading chair with his feet on the footstool, a fire going, light streaming in.
My sketches below getting ready to teach an ocarina class!


Teensie investigating some mugs I just finished making.
View from walk in park today.


Dan gets me out on walks sometimes... the only way I seem to go nowadays. We went and saw this old house around the block from where we live, and it has a barn in the backyard that would make a great pottery studio. Dreams!


I was asked to make six steins for this brewery in town, and they are all made... waiting to dry so I can fire and glaze them. This semester has not gotten off to a good start.


Getting back into clay is a good thing to do. School started back today and I need to find joy in my work, and also joy in making with clay.


I am getting off another medicine, T. It too acts on my GABA receptors, and I'm not having a good time getting off it. I hope to get a reward when my brain has healed from all these years of taking benzos.


This is the lady whose granddaughter found Grayson. She came over today to see him for the first time since rescuing him. He didn't want to sit in her lap!


We drove Jes and Jef to the airport today. First we dropped Jef off in the rain, and then we went with Jes to tour the birthplace of MLK Jr and the church he preached at. It was cold and very very rainy. We had lunch in a German brew pub that only served beers from Georgia.


I felt great today. Jes and Jef were here and I baked cinnamon buns this morning, and made pretzels in the afternoon.
We went for a walk and tried to rescue a cat trapped in a crawlspace.
I felt great. So happy. So energetic. So full of life.


Aza and her beau left today. I was so sad, that I cleaned the house and found the last two pieces to this puzzle under the buffet. The house was so quiet. Dan came back and we went out to dinner at Hamilton's then came home and watched two episodes of Outlander. 


It's so warm, daffodils are blooming all over town.
I played Azul tonight with Aza and Dan and SupBra. I lost.

Experimental cup...


It was raining, but we trekked down to the falls at the park today anyway, for our annual photo. This year SupBra was included formally!

Kitten is growing!


Andrea's fiance, SupBra arrived today!


My mom. She had us over for Christmas day dinner today after we had breakfast (stuffed French toast, fresh squeezed orange juice, melon balls, bacon) and opened presents (Apple watch, calligraphy set, blouse, yarn, InstaPot, gold luster). Dinner was prime rib, baked mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls, and two pies...


 Christmas eve, 2019, I have a pecan pie made for dinner. Mom and Gwennie came over and we had turkey shepherds' pie. I felt outgoing!


They are all home!!
Squirt and Aza on the couch... 
dan with a cat...
I'm so happy to have them all together. 
And I had a surprise for them- after 17 years, I stopped taking a medication that had been a problem.
Today is Day 3 of a new chapter in my life.