
This is our den. I should have posted it yesterday when we hung pictures in it. The windows were a challenge but we came up with a solution. Below is an indoor photo without flash of the phlox I picked and put in a vase on the front hall table. The light was coming in through the coffin window this morning and lighting up these flowers. I messed with the aperature and shutter speed and got a pretty cool photo.
My friend Robin, an artist in Cville said that I should just hang her painting first then the rest would fall in place. But we didn't know where to put this lamp, and when we did I just knew that her painting would look great next to it in our den. It's a print of a painting she did from Humpback Rocks back "home."
I got a lot of exercise today. First was vacuuming the whole house. It's a smaller house but it still took 1.5 hours with all the switching from hardwood floor to rugs and vacuuming the molding and one of the many dusty ceiling fans we have. Then after dinner (all food from the farmers market- best corn I ever had!) Dan and I rode up to my office and back so I could practice some more. It's 2.6 miles each way. Not bad without traffic at 7pm. I wonder how it will be during the school year.
We tried to get our Kentucky drivers licenses today but didn't have Social Security cards. We had passports, birth certificates, VA drivers licenses, credit cards, check books, car registrations- you name it. But we didn't have those little light blue cards with that special number on them. So no go. Everywhere we go in this state we are asked for our SS#. Out loud. In public. This state just doesn't get the whole identity theft thing. I wonder if my university ID will have my SS# on it.

Oh, one more thing. I bought a lithograph from an Russell Richards, an artist back "home" and it arrived today wrapped in bubble wrap and surrounded by peanuts. I love it. I got the "Innacurate Map of Cville" in a handmade frame.
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