
I forgot to blog on the last day of August. It was a cool day- almost record setting cool. We had dinner at Ramsey's Restaurant. I biked to work then Dan picked me up and I left my bike in my office. It was cooooold in the restaurant! But even colder outside. Crazy Kentucky weather.
Today I walked to school as I had no bike. The walk was really special. It was cool and windy, and walking along the sidewalk with the cars going by on campus reminded me of my childhood. It took me back to the fall of 1975 when I turned 12 years old and lived in Chicago. I felt like I was 12 again, walking to Bret Harte Elementary School.

I taught today, and that went OK. Not great, but I get to try again Thursday with the second section and I hope it goes better. I biked home and we went to the last Southland Jamboree of the season. The music was fantistic- a band called No Tools Loaned. We ate a picnic dinner and fed Frisbee corn chips to keep him quiet.

Tonight I plastered holes in our wall-of-renovation. Tomorrow I'll plaster over the plaster and by the weekend I should be ready to paint.
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