
Squirt liked to keep his cup here. Our shopping list is above it. He left today and left his cup behind.
I cried like a baby and hugged and kissed him and told him to be happy and call me if he's sad and keep in touch and I hugged him again real hard and cried again. He left. Dan went with him-- they are driving to Colorado. They are going backpacking with Jes for the weekend, then Dan is helping Squirt move into his new apartment, then flying home. We will be by ourselves. In 30 years we have never had the house to ourselves. Even when Squirt was off at his first college experience in 2009, we had Frisbee. 
I miss my son.
I remember the night when he was about 18 months old-- he could walk, but was just starting to talk well. 
Middle of the night he calls out. I go to him and hug him. 
Tissue, he said.
Tissue? You want a tissue?
No, TISSue.
I pick him up.
He kisses me. 
TISS you.
My son.
Yes, yes, he was a momma's boy... but that boy was so loved by his momma.

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