


The Turk's Cap lilies are blooming, and so are the black eyed susans. Dan and Aza and I watched three more episodes of Mad Men tonight.


My computer is ALIVE!!! It took about a month to get it all back together, with Squirt's help. He installed all my programs again, the operating system, I got my email all set up, photos put back on, music ripped from CDs... what a lot of work. Today I worked on the reunion directory and started printing name tags.



I bought these at the Berea Craft Festival yesterday. They are made from gourds. Aren't they cute? I went to my office this morning for a meeting and some stuff, and put them on the shelf. Spent all afternoon on IRB forms. Fun fun.



This is 50% cotton, 50% poly yarn that I knitted into a half a scarf to find out if I liked the color and texture for an afghan. I do!


The Turk's Cap lily should bloom soon. I thought they were weeds the first year we lived here, and now love them.



Lovely lilies everywhere. Today Dan and I went to the Berea Craft Festival in the woods of Berea Forest. We met Aza and Baza there, saw his mom and met some of his siblings. Baza's mom has a pottery studio and we bought one of her vases for a gift for someone special. The smell of a wood fire, the sound of fiddles, the sights of handmade things from wood and metal and fibers... a fantastic experience.



Saturday. I worked on the reunion, my crocheting, and other sundry things.


I went to Michael's to get some yarn for an afghan and just couldn't decide on a color so I bought four to sample.

Worked all day on IRB forms for a study that's taking place next month and only hope it gets turned in and approved in time.


Crocheting. It's my new passion. Today I crocheted a hat that looks really good on me and started on some mittens but ran out of yarn at the thumb.

This summer is going by too fast. I have so much to do and not enough time to do it all.


Guess who moved home today?


Today is Jes's 25th birthday! We are driving home from Wisconsin and just had to stop for some cheese curds at the Cheese Palace Castle.


For the 4th of July we had a picnic outside in the back yard. With the mosquitoes.

We played Boingo with the mosquitoes.

My nieces posed for me so Jes can see how grown up they are now at 12 and 15.

We got to witness a homemade fireworks show outside, including a sparkler show.

It was a fun day to spend with the family. I really got into my new crocheting projects.


Summerfest. Today I went to Summerfest. With all its crowds and noise and lights, I went on a drunk bus in South Milwaukee from King Pins Bar where we parked. It was me and Dan and Aza and Baza, and I lasted pretty good until around 10 when I was overcome by the overload of sensory inputs.

First we went to Kopps.

The cute couple at Kopps.

Not too crowded yet. View from the sky lift thing.

We watched fireworks for 45 minutes or so.






Today Dan and his brother and the kids went out on the boat for the day while I treated myself to a manicure and a trip to Super Walmart where I bought some yarn for crocheting. For dinner we all went over to DaveBon's house for dinner, a bonfire, a little swinging in the backyard, and a good time. Mosquitoes were the talk of the evening. Note the tennis racquet styled electric mosquito zapper. Fireworks from the neighbor's back yard were loud and scary. I like the looks of fireworks, but I wish they were quieter.





Today I went visiting. I visited a friend from high school for coffee, then visited my friend Moonie and her family. Here we are with her oldest, Babybutt.

Aza and Baza (his new nickname) showed up as twins wearing salmon shirts and khakis after a long drive north. They brought the CSA share with them including lots of carrots. Aza had crosstiched this carrot for her grandmother a few years ago, so here it is with Kentucky carrots.

I wish Squirt and Jes were here...


Last day if June, we just hung around the house with Dan's parents today. I caught up on Wimp videos, made plans to see a couple friends tomorrow, and worked on reunion plans. Dan went for a bike ride with his brother and childhood friend RanBon. That is actually what they call him.


We went to see the statue Inukshuk today. The water was gray, the sky was gray, and we sat on a park bench enjoying the view and peace. I love the way the water looked and the feeling of the damp air. It rained on our walk back to the hotel where we packed up and headed out for a day of travel. Arrived in Milwaukee after midnight.


Dan and I spent the morning at Granville Island and ate salmon fish and chips on a park bench for lunch. I'm ready to come home now though.


Lots to do today at the conference. We went to a reception this evening and took some cool photos walking around afterwards.


Today I had the two most important meetings of the conference starting at 8:30am. Woke up with a sick migraine around 5am and medicated myself enough to appear at my first meeting. Came back to the hotel and slept until the second meeting.

For dinner I had an idea that wasn't too taxing. I discovered a Whole Foods nearby that was on a bus route. I've been searching for Kombucha ALL over the place since arriving here and was determined to find some.

Meanwhile, Dan discovered a fish and chips place near English Bay Park on the same bus route. So for one bus ticket each we had our adventure. Never been on such a packed bus in my life.

So we took the #5 to the restaurant, ate dinner by the bay, took the bus back to the store, got the booch, and took the bus back to the hotel.

Now I'm drinking the booch and relaxing after a taxing day.


Woke at dawn and showed up at the conference center at 7:15. Breakfast and mingling, plenary speaker, then our workshop which went well. Good sessions, good day. The conference center is a platinum LEED certified building. I got a tour of the green roofs, and even tasted honey from the bees that live in hives on the roof.

For dinner, Dan and I walked to Chinatown, got sushi and ate in a park. We did a LOT if walking. We saw a different side of Vancouver. Where we are staying it's all Gucci and Tiffany's but the other side of the city smells like pot and has a seedy feel. Long day.