
Spent all day in bed with a migraine, so no photos today. I did manage to do some work on the photo album project and help Aza's boyfriend in Iraq with an essay he's writing for a class. That's about it.


Julie said...

Beside MSG, what other additives or foods trigger a migraine?

Chrissy said...

Anything aged... cheese, alcohol, soy sauce. Peanut butter. Soy when it's not in its natural form.

Julie said...

Do you have to avoid these things completely or can you have them in various amounts?

Have you ever allowed yourself to have a migraine, so you could eat what everyone else is eating?

Chrissy said...

I try to aviod completely. Sometimes something is snuck in... and no, I never eat the status quo just to join in. I usually bring a sunflower seedbutter sandwich along when I'm not sure what's being served. It ain't worth a day in bed in pain!

Julie said...

So migraines really debilitate you, if I am correct in assuming that some migraines do not put some suffers in bed.

Perhaps, being a bit nosy here.
How did you handle the Asian restaurant that told you what you were eating was safe? Never step in there again or call them on it?

Chrissy said...

I'm sure they didn't ADD MSG. It was probably in some mix they used. Some chinese fry batter mix or something like that. MSG has about 20 names. http://www.msgmyth.com/hidename.htm

They probably think they are are providing an msg-free meal. Not a battle I feel like fighting. Not today in this restaurant anyhow. I just need to be more careful.

Julie said...

I thought of that after I posted.

There is a store we go to about 4 times a year that only sells all-natural foods. When Nick and I went there about 3 weeks ago, we asked for their gluten-free list. We were told they did not have one, for they found out that some of the companies they contacted
were unfortunately not very truthful.

I would think a restaurant is allowed to have an excuse, but not a company.

Thanks for the MSG link. I did not realize that it was in that many things. My ds goes through bouts of headaches; it would be interesting to see if there is a correlation.