
This morning before we headed out of town we had breakfast with my former neighbor, Apple. We had a great time with her and her husband and kids. I miss them.
We drove 7.5 hours to get home and found this:
A creative way to work goof off in bed. Take a ceiling fan, attach a drum base, secure a computer monitor with rope, and fire it up! That Squirt. So creative!


This morning we got up and went to Keeneland to see the horses practicing for the big race day.
it was so cool.

Later in the day we got to go visit with my former colleague, Mags, and her little kiddos. 


Today I had a grant meeting, came back to the hotel and took a nap to sleep off a migraine, then went out to dinner with Dr. Phred. We had a very nice time catching up! The traffic was horrible and it made me realize I am glad I don't live here any more.


Miss March and I have been friends since 2009 when we both moved to Kentucky. This past year she started running, lost over 100 pounds, and was completely cured of type 2 diabetes. I'm so very proud of her and she inspires me so much to stick with goals. She feels great, looks great, and has a bright and healthy future ahead of her. In this photo we recreated a scene from 2011 when we showed up for work with the same color on. Check this out from March of 2011---

On another note, today I taught the workshop I came here to teach. I had 12 teachers and they all loved the curriculum. Here are a few photos of their work:


We drove to Kentucky today. The trees got less and less green along the way. Mountains came into view. We got a hotel room downtown and went to dinner with my old colleague and her husband. I can't remember the pseudonym I used to have for her.... but we had a good time.
View from the hotel of downtown...


Today the storms lasted all day. Rain rain rain. I tried to catch up on all my work before my trip tomorrow. 


I took some photos in the yard today of flowers in bloom. It was a busy, productive weekend. I got my iBooks uploaded to my website, read some papers for a journal and a conference, dropped off supplies at school and picked up others, and even cooked dinner.


No, I have not dropped off the planet. I did make it home from Mexico! However, after returning from Mexico my anemia and hypothyroidism got the best of me and I felt just plain awful. I went back to the doctor, had some further testing done, and realized that the iron supplements and thyroid medications just needed more time. Now, after a month+ I'm feeling like myself. SO much better. Perhaps I'll even start photoblogging again. Here in the deep south the flowers are blooming. Azaleas are in full bloom, dogwoods are just fully opened, and it's time to start thinking about my herb garden and my perennial garden. Work is going OK and I'm feeling like I might get caught up sometime soon. Big sigh.

Oh, by the way I made tenure. Some years back I was so afraid that migraines and menopause would prevent me from ever making tenure. The migraines and menopause not win. I did.


Last night in San Miguel.


I woke still with head pain but drank tea and decided to take the taxi to an arts and crafts and organic food festival. It was well worth it.


We left this morning around 9 for a three hour venture/exploration to the orchid garden, downtown, and back.
I felt some anxiety being in off-the-path places where tourists do not congregate.


We went to Delores Hidalgo to see pottery factories. The prices were very low and it was fascinating to see the painters work.


Today we went to the Jardin Botanica which was home to native plants like agave and mesquite and cacti of all sorts. Dan and Squirt and Strawberry climbed down into the canyon while I stayed at the top looking out for cowboys or Indians or whatever. Actually I sat in the shade and ate Mexican Oreos.


We went to the Tuesday Market, which is Mexican WalMart with everything under the sun under tents.


This house is at the corner across from our house. It's a walled piece of land with a few huts and tents inside.
This is the street leaving our house down the hill. You can't see how much of a hill it is.


This is what downtown San Miguel looks like.
We went on a house and garden tour today and this is one cactus garden we saw.
Flowers everywhere.

It almost looks like Tuscany, doesn't it?

Or Morocco.


The view of San Miguel driving in.

The view out the window of our house.

This is the back side of our house.

I love this picture. The view out the peep door in the front door.


Things I did today.
I cleaned this bathroom.

I went to the store and bought this coffee plus some other things.

I gave Frisbee a bath and laundered all his bedding.
Plus, I graded papers and updated this blog and watered all the house plants and the pansies out back.

So, I haven't been blogging much lately and to my followers, I apologize. I finished a 1.2M grant proposal on 3-5-14 which took me several weeks of non-stop work. Then, there was the doctor's appointment last week where I found out I was severely anemic and horribly hypothyroid. Which explained a lot. So I started taking a higher dose of Synthroid and an iron supplement on Monday of this week. 

Tomorrow we leave for Mexico. One of my students is holding down the fort and caring for The Friz.
I plan to be blogging while on this trip with my mother, Dan, Squirt, and Strawberry Jello (who has never been on a plane before!) So, stay tuned!


Lenten Rose! Spring is in the air. Things are blooming.